Drive retail success chain-wide with customizable, connected solutions.
Microsoft DynamicsTM Retail Management System (RMS) Headquarters equips multi-store businesses or chains to roll up and manage data for all stores from the head offi ce. Designed to help retailers meet demanding business challenges, Microsoft Dynamics RMS Headquarters delivers tools that work like and with familiar Microsoft® Offi ce programs, integrate easily with other applications and devices, and adapt to meet changing business requirements.

Inventory Control and Tracking
Microsoft Business Solutions Retail Management System Headquarters (HQ) controls and tracks inventory at each store and for the enterprise as a whole. It offers detailed information on quantity in stock, reorder points, and restock levels for each item at each store. HQ then makes this information visible to the home office. Since some stores may have uniform or disparate inventories, HQ can invoke automatic inventory replenishment at the home office for any set of stores.

Purchase Orders
HQ can keep a complete profile of every customer who has ever purchased from any of your stores or Web sites. This includes demographics, preferences, purchase or problem history, account balance and credit information. Chain-wide buying habits, shopping frequency and purchase amounts are readily available at the head office. HQ’s customer data supports thorough and accurate database marketing and relationship selling to targeted customers. This data can be exported to CRM and ERP applications.

Customer Management and Marketing
HQ can keep a complete profile of every customer who has ever purchased from any of your stores or Web sites. This includes demographics, preferences, purchase or problem history, account balance and credit information. Chain-wide buying habits, shopping frequency and purchase amounts are readily available at the head office. HQ’s customer data supports thorough and accurate database marketing and relationship selling to targeted customers. This data can be exported to CRM and ERP applications.

Employee Management
HQ monitors sales reps, their hours and the registers they run. It can upload attendance records for computing hours and labor cost at the head office. It will centrally compute sales commissions based upon sales transactions and commission structures found in associates’ profiles.

Powerful and Flexible Reports
HQs powerful report generator offers instant, flexible access to a wealth of meaningful data. With point-and-click speed, it generates consolidated reports to show sales breakdowns, identify slow-moving items and check sales for any day- by store location, items, departments, categories, customer or taxes. Reports and graphs may be previewed on screen, printed or exported to other Windows-based software packages.